The Podcast is Going Live Today!

October 03, 2019

That’s right, after months of planning, and decades of information gathering, we’re finally ready to share our podcast! The first episode (episode 0) is only 7 minutes long. This is our teaser episode, where we give some basic introductions, and talk a little bit about what the Docktor-Mom concept is all about.

            In future episodes, we’ll be doing in-depth interviews with the three hosts, telling why they chose the holistic lifestyle. We’re also going to dive deep into diet, nutrition, alternative medicine, and even cooking. About once a month, we’ll have an interview segment, where real people can share their holistic health and life-changing story. As you’ll hear in Episode 0, Matt shares his content philosophy. He says that he feels it’s more important to hear someone’s actual story, then to throw a lot of facts and figures at them. Because of this, we want to make sure that we have an inspiring and uplifting story to bring to you monthly.

            Look for the link to our podcast feed below the video. In the very near future, we hope to have the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and other media outlets. Thanks for watching, reading, and now listening too!

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