Recipe Rewind: Purification Challenge

Category: Health
May 15, 2020


This week on the “Weekly Wellness Walk with Docktor-Mom” our 3 co-hosts take the Standard Process Purification Challenge! In these uncertain times it is imperative to eat good food, and to avoid toxicity as much as possible. This Standard Process Purification Kit helps detoxify your body, and teaches you how to eat good, sensible, organic foods. We’re looking forward to taking this challenge, and invite anyone who is interested to jump onboard with us as well. It’s not too late. Even if you have to start a day or two later than us, we can still go through the majority of the detox together. Remember, there is strength in numbers. Enjoy!

The right way.
Simply complete this On-Line questionnaire and we can determine organ, gland and body system imbalances, and provide nutritional support and lifestyle changes through a comprehensive report sent right to you!
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